"Five4Life" – COVID-Vaccinations for the poorest in our world
Liechtenstein banking centre raises funds for UNICEF's COVAX project . While the vaccination rate in Europe is around 60%, only 1.3% of people in low-income countries are vaccinated. Especially in the poorest areas of the world, life and education depend on vaccination. Worldwide, we are confronted with a 5th wave of the Coronavirus and Omicron, the new Corona variant, reminds us once again that the virus affects us all and can only be fought globally.
Preliminary result of donations
As the world's largest purchaser of vaccines, coordinating over 2 billion routine vaccinations in more than 100 countries annually, UNICEF has been mandated by the United Nations to procure and distribute them. The goal of UNICEF is to achieve a 70% vaccination coverage rate by summer 2022.
For this, UNICEF needs financial support, whereby the procurement and delivery of a double vaccination costs on average just 5 Swiss francs.
Against this background, the Liechtenstein banks have decided, under the umbrella of the Bankers Association and in cooperation with UNICEF Switzerland / Liechtenstein, to call on all employees in the banking centre to take part in the joint fundraising campaign "Five4Life". The fundraising campaign is an act of solidarity; the money collected will benefit the "COVAX" project of UNICEF International.
Although the call for donations is primarily addressed to the banking centre, it is also possible for people outside the banking centre, i.e. everyone, to participate in the fundraising campaign.
The LBA has set up the following donation accounts (account holder: Liechtenstein Bankers Association) for the fundraising campaign:
LBA donation account with Liechtensteinische Landesbank:
IBAN-Nr.: LI34 0880 0908 6230 4200 3
LBA donation account with LGT Bank Ltd.:
IBAN-Nr.: LI17 0881 0000 0460 1803 2
LBA donation account with VP Bank Ltd.:
IBAN-Nr.: LI67 0880 5504 2103 1000 1
The donation status will be updated regularly and will not show the amount in Swiss francs but the number of vaccine doses already donated.
The donation campaign will run until 21 January 2022 and the total amount donated will be transferred or handed over to UNICEF at the end of January.
Each donation makes a tangible contribution to SDGs 1 (poverty reduction), 3 (health and well-being), 4 (education), 10 (reducing inequalities) and 17 (partnerships to achieve the goals). If you want to know more about the SDGs, you can find out more here every day in December.
#UNICEF, #COVAX, #4good, #Five4Life, #solidarity, #Covid, #SDGs, #LiechtensteinBanks, #Liechtenstein, #VaccinesWork, #endCovid