Increasing global focus on sustainable and sustainable investing. Sustainability has always been an important concern for Liechtenstein and its banking centre. Along with stability and quality, it is one of the three pillars of the Roadmap 2025 strategy for the banking centre's future.
A more sustainable development requires everyone to deal in a serious and responsible way with the issue. Liechtenstein and its banks are doing this. The country’s 11 municipalities have been certified with the ‘Energy City’ label since 2013. Liechtenstein is thus the only country in the world that can call itself an ‘Energy Country’. The label symbolises how sustainability is broadly enshrined in policymaking and the population. Long-term thinking and action are part of Liechtenstein’s DNA. The business models of our member banks also distinguish themselves from short-term banking. The banks’ products embraced sustainability long before everyone was talking about it. An analysis of all Liechtenstein funds carried out in 2016 already showed positive results: although most of the evaluated funds were conventional, their average ESG rating – the benchmark for measuring environmental and social sustainability and good corporate governance – was almost 60 points. The results show that numerous Liechtenstein equity funds met the ESG criteria to a high degree already early on.
For us, sustainability is not a passing fashion, it goes beyond purely environmental aspects, and we understand it holistically. A lot of people are talking about sustainability; we act sustainably. The commitment of the Liechtenstein Bankers Association to sustainable finance is also part of this fundamental commitment. In this context, the LBA joined the International Network of Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) in April 2018, which was launched under the Italian G7 Presidency and under the umbrella of UN Environment. The network currently includes more than 20 international financial centres – Beijing, Casablanca, Dublin, Frankfurt, Geneva, Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Milan, Mexico, New York, Paris, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Stockholm, Tokyo, Toronto, and Zurich – as well as the following partner organisations: Climate Bonds Initiative, Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance, Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), and UNEP Finance Initiative.
Sustainability in practice at LGT Group
Invest sustainably with the Neue Bank AG
Liechtenstein Initiative / Financial Sector on Modern Slavery
LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein
European hub of the international Network FC4S
Proposal of the European Commission for a package to promote sustainable growth and as an outcome the Action Plan on Sustainable Finance adopted in March 2018
Final report of the High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance to the European Commission, 31 January 2018
ECON report of the European Parliament on sustainable finance (Rapporteur Prof. Molly Scott Cato)
Eurosif / European SRI Study 2016
Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF)
EU Commission Sustainable Finance
EU Taxonomy Report incl. technical annex and Excel Tool (EU Commission)
Usability Guide for the EU Green Bond Standard (EU Commission)
Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainable Finance web-stream (EU Commission)
Practical Approaches to Applying the EU Taxonomy to Bank Lending
International Network of Financial Centres of Sustainability (FC4S)
Principles for Responsible Investments (UN PRI)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
UN Capital Development Fund (UN CDF)
Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TFCD) of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and establishment of a platform
Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Initiative von 26 UNEP FI Mitgliedsbanken zur Ausrichtung ihrer Geschäftsmodelle an den Verpflichtungen aus den SDGs und dem Pariser Klimaabkommen vom Mail 2018
CFA Institute viewpoint on ESG / sustainable investing
WEF white paper: Seeking Return on ESG Advancing the Reporting Ecosystem to Unlock Impact