Liechtenstein banking centre: Sustainable growth with excellent stability indicators
16 Jun 2021
Even under more difficult conditions than usual, the strategic growth path of Liechtenstein banks can be seen clearly in the statistics. Below are some highlights from the 2020 Banking Statistics just published.
Sustainable business growth even under more difficult conditions:
- Increase in assets under management (AuM) by 2.9% to CHF 179.2 billion, with above-average net new money inflow of CHF 5.5 billion
- Continuing recruitment of new employees (+13% full-time equivalents over the last 5 years)
- Measures to promote family and career are bearing fruit, with an increase in the share of women to over 40% (share of women among apprentices and trainees already over 50%)
- Increase in balance sheet total by 3.1% to CHF 73.7 billion
- Despite challenges due to the pandemic, operating profit is at the level of previous years
Despite the coronavirus pandemic, credit risks are still very low:
- Reduction in lending by 6% to CHF 29.6 billion. About 46% of this amount (or CHF 12.6 billion) consists of claims against Liechtenstein private households and financial companies.
- A cornerstone is mortgage lending (+2.5%) with a share of about 42% of claims against clients. About 80% of the mortgages in Liechtenstein are on residential property.
- Stable, very low average loan-to-value ratio on residential properties at less than 50%
- Traditionally very low ratio of non-performing loans (NPL) at 0.5%
- Internationally outstanding common equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio of 22%
- Above-average leverage ratio of 7.5% with a regulatory minimum requirement of 3%
- Excellent liquidity position with average liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) of over 200%
- Classic financing through strong deposit business with a share of over 60% (CHF 44.4 billion) of the balance sheet total. Clients from Liechtenstein make up more than 40% of that total.
- Recognition of the risk position of the Liechtenstein banking centre by Standard & Poor's with classification in Group '2' of the Banking Industry Country Rating Assessment (BICRA)
Further regional statistics under Statistik Bodensee