Top sustainability rating for Liechtenstein's banks
Liechtenstein is small but excellent. When it comes to sustainable investing, Liechtenstein is ranked at the top of the recent asset manager evaluation carried out by the Fuchs | Richter testing body for the German-speaking world.
"In no other German-speaking financial centre is sustainability practiced as consistently as in Liechtenstein," is the summary of the test verdict. Of especially positive note is that among the participating Liechtenstein banks, two institutions – LGT Bank and the Liechtensteinische Landesbank – achieved a score of "very good". The fact that LGT Bank even received the "Top Provider" award among all the international banks participating is also gratifying. With this rating, the evaluators are honouring the many years during which Liechtenstein banks have built up this business segment. What is very important for us about this evaluation is that not only announcements were assessed, but rather the entire advisory process. This means that practical implementation was also included in the final score. Liechtenstein's banks pursue a holistic approach to sustainability in line with the 17 Strategic Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. The top result shows that this approach is the right one and that it is appreciated by customers. But it is also a confirmation of the entire banking centre strategy, Roadmap 2020, and the sustainability efforts of the Liechtenstein Bankers Association over the past years.
Read more in Private Banking Magazin (only available in German)
#Nachhaltigkeit, #sustainablefinance,#SGDs