LGT recognized for ESG investing and philanthropy
At this year’s Wealth for Good Awards held by the financial magazine «WealthBriefing», LGT won two global accolades in the categories of ESG Investing and Philanthropy Service Offering, as detailed in a press release issued by the private bank, which is owned by the Princely Family of Liechtenstein. It was only recently that LGT was awarded the title of Best Bank for Sustainability Transparency in Western Europe by «Global Finance Magazine», as the press release explains further. «Sustainable investments can combine competitive financial returns with a positive impact on society and the environment», comments Christopher Greenwald, Head Sustainable Investing Europe at LGT, in the press release.
The «WealthBriefing» jury states that LGT pursues a holistic approach in terms of its sustainable investments. This is its aim «not just because of growing client demand for sustainable solutions, but because its management and owner, the Princely Family, have been committed to ensuring a more sustainable future for decades», according to comments from the jury quoted in the press release. Greenwald additionally goes onto explain that LGT only recently moved to significantly expand its range of sustainable investment opportunities.
In the area of philanthropic activities, the jury praised LGT’s efforts to generate «positive social impact, promote inclusive communities and support innovative solutions for sustainable development.» Nina Hoas, Head of LGT Philanthropy Advisory, clarifies that LGT applies the same high standards of quality to its philanthropy activities as is the case for other areas of the business. «This helps us ensure we have the greatest possible impact through our activities». ce/hs