Financial services
Moody’s confirms LLB’s excellent creditworthiness
25 Oct 2023
Vaduz - Moody's has awarded the Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (LLB) a deposit rating of Aa2 and an issuer rating of Aa3. It also assesses the outlook for both ratings as stable.
Moody's has once again confirmed the LLB’s excellent creditworthiness. In a press release the bank, which is majority-owned by the state of Liechtenstein, says it has retained its Aa2 deposit rating, and that the Aa3 issuer rating is also «very positive». Moody’s continues to assess the outlook for both ratings as stable.
The excellent deposit rating from Moody’s puts the LLB in the top league of Liechtenstein and Swiss banks, it writes in the press release, adding that it is «one of the banks with the highest ratings in the world.» Explaining its reasons for confirming the Landesbank’s excellent creditworthiness, Moody’s highlighted its strong capital resources and good liquidity and refinancing situation. ce/hs