Roger Barmettler named CFO of the VP Bank Group
Roger Barmettler has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the VP Bank Group. The current Head of Group Finance was previously named Interim CFO back in June 2020, as detailed by the VP Bank Group in a press release. At the start of March, Barmettler will complete the Group Executive Management of the VP Bank Group in his role as regular CFO.
“Roger Barmettler qualified for the position of CFO in an externally supported selection process”, comments Thomas Meier, Chairman of the Board of Directors of VP Bank, in the press release. He went on to explain that the board has confirmed Barmettler’s nomination and is firmly convinced that he is the right person for the role of CFO due to his experience in the financial industry and previous efforts as Interim CFO.
Born in 1972, Roger Barmettler is a Swiss citizen, the VP Bank Group explains further in the press release. Prior to joining the VP Bank Group, the new CFO had worked for banks including UBS and Credit Suisse.