VP Bank awards budding compliance officers
The VP Bank and the University of Liechtenstein are working together to train compliance officers. In the context of this course at the University of Liechtenstein, the VP Bank presented the VP Bank Compliance Award to four students, as the two partners explained in a press release. The winning team receives prize money of 5,000 francs.
For the competition, the participating student teams had to come up with various suggested solutions for different case studies relevant to the real world. “With a great many regulations in a compliance officer’s area of responsibility and the associated complexity, the demands placed on the profession continue to rise,” explained Alexandra Butterstein, Head of the Institute for Business Law at the University of Liechtenstein. “Outstanding training and further education and the comprehensive sensitization by experienced practitioners are therefore essential.”
Through the collaboration with the VP Bank, students have the chance to apply their acquired knowledge in a practical setting. Alongside building awareness for the wide variety of demands, this focuses the attention on the personal liability of a compliance officer. “We are delighted that we have contributed to the high level of training provided to a compliance offer in Liechtenstein through our cooperation with the University of Liechtenstein,” said Patrick Bont, Chief Risk Officer at VP Bank. “Brilliantly trained specialists will ensure our finance sector maintains its excellent reputation.”